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Apr 7, 2012

Of moving on and Resignations

There are a lot of changes around me these days. This is one mail I wrote once upon a time, when change meant a hell of a lot to me.


This post is dedicated to everyone who is smitten by change and is embracing it on the way.
Happy exploring!!!


Rasi said...

i love the resignation.. someday i am hopeful going to use the same format :)

Sanjaya Srivatsan said...

@Rasi, Thank you. While I hope you wudn't need it too soon, in case you do, all you need to do is ask, will fwd the mail to you ;)

Mostly Dulcet said...

haha resignation :D I always have a calvin and hobbes quote or pic by the end of it :) Cheers to change and cheers to the all the great adventures it brings along with it.


Sanjaya Srivatsan said...

@Anusha, Maybe Next time I resign, I will too :)